Overall all portfolios are down heavily in the last 7-11 months and for the next 3-5 months, don’t expect any kind of rally or any kind of recovery in the market, especially in small and midcaps. Even if you are having any large-caps then they are also down by 10-15% from the recent high. Every Investor in the world facing this heat because all world markets are down heavily in the last 2 months. You can…
In simple terms “Position sizing” means how much risk you have to take as per according to your portfolio value, like many people randomly…
There is no reason to buy any share at any random price, check price, check technical you will get your answer, Overall there is no doubt about Sterlite Technologies company share price, but being a midcap share we have to take care of it by applying technical on it. There is only one good pattern formation which is Supply-demand zone, which confirms our next buying point. What is Demand-supply? That means finding out the maximum number of previous…
Future Options is just another Asset which we can trade in a stock exchange, If we have to gain some knowledge about future and…
From last 5 months Ashok Leyland taking the support of 105, it looks like 105 is one of the major support for Ashok Layland. And when the market breaks these kinds of major support then god knows where it will stop after that. I am already in sell position in Ashok Leyland and will wait for Rs 75 to cover my short position, and I am expecting Ashok Leyland to hit Rs 75 mark in…
Do You: *Freeze right when you’re supposed to take a signal? *Consistently risk more than you should on your trades? *Prematurely exit good trades…
On an everyday basis, someone on social media recommending Tata motors and their wording is like this, “Buy this and retire rich” “Buy this mutlibagger” But Why to buy now?? what makes them say that? Maybe they think that stock already down 70% from High of Rs 600, on that basis they are recommending Buy. But why you are taking Rs 600 are the base price, no one can say Rs 600 was the fair value…