Do You:

*Freeze right when you’re supposed to take a signal?
*Consistently risk more than you should on your trades?
*Prematurely exit good trades and hang on to bad ones?
*Beat yourself up after a losing trade?
*Compare your results to others?

The essence of trading psychology in one skill is a concise and practical guide to change, and at its core is one simple concept which you can start to apply right away.

“There are no guarantees in trading. The sooner you accept that you sooner you can release your expectations and focus unconditionally on a proven process”.

“Money matters, but not as much as you probably think.”

As any real trader who trades for a living will attest, these are recurring behaviors that can be difficult to eradicate. And the reason is rather simple: the pressure — to perform, to sustain a living, to pay the bills — engineers anxiety, stress, and other limiting states of the mind which precisely affects behavior, and makes trading consistently a battle that is difficult to win. ( Investment in books will always gives your multifold return in terms of knowledge)

I recommend you all to read this book once in your life, that changed my mindset and changed my whole trading decisions.  You can buy this book from here  I must say that will bring new things in you, a new understanding about the market,  and the main part is the change in the psychology of a trader.

The essence of trading psychology in one skill

“Genuine acceptance that there will be losses on your way to market success will greatly decrease the hurt when they eventually come.”

“Win, loss whatever emerges in the short-term, place and manage your next trades untouched, unattached… always keeping your eyes on the long-term picture.”

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Founder at CityInvest. Focused on Technical Analysis, 10 years Market experience, I'm Always learning and love to help, say hi!

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